Feedback Requested: How to spread the word about Bad Voltage?

Good idea. The tough thing is that there isnā€™t really a central place to address them all (the LugRadio forum went away many moons ago).

It seems to me what we need more of is general promotion of topics on the show. For example, in the last show (E22) we covered Creative Commons, Open Hardware, LinuxVoice and more - it would be great if our community promoted the show in different avenues went we go live. This will then help to spread the word much further.

Another potential area is to interview more famous people and encourage them to tweet about itā€¦this hitting their feeds more.

Any other ideas?

Not sure if any of you presenters get invited much to other venues, if so, then there is always the shameless promotion. I do talk about the show to others. But, as most of you have come to realize, many just humor me so Iā€™ll go away!

Jono: the forum may have gone but the Lug Radio Show website is still live. Assuming you still have access you could put an announcement on the home page with a link to this site.

Iā€™ve added a post to Fedora Forum as I used to be quite active there. Maybe everyone should make a post on their (other) favourite forum.

Feeling at bit dim, that have not posted a link at - will do so now.

Good idea - @sil, can you put a big banner or something over the top of the LR website to point out that Bad Voltage is where the action is at now?

This would be a great way of helping: just spread the word across a range of different forums. I will kick off a new thread and encourage people to share their posts. :smile:

Yes I agree that we should reach out to the JB community so they know about this show. I also think that if we are in the irc room that would help as well, not to mention posting on Reddit

This is really the only forum I frequent, so ā€¦

Hey everyone, check out this awesome podcast, Bad Voltage! Itā€™s like Top Gear, but for geeks!


Guarantee that, if you post it to the Linux Action Show sub-Reddit, it will be deleted pronto.

Looking at the traffic stats for I see that there were two (new) posts to that subreddit (in the last day alone) that linked to my site. And they have already been nixed by their mods. If it has my name anywhere near it, the JB crew will delete it. Just how it works.

Itā€™s likeā€¦ math ā€˜nā€™ stuff.


I am genuinely surprised at that. OK, fine, beef with you, and I wonā€™t delve into the details there, but the rest of us havenā€™t done anything. Thatā€™s terribly petty.

How about Reddit Ads across a few tech subreddits?

Good idea. How do you get reddit ads?

Yeahā€¦ But itā€™s nothing new. That has been going on since I left. Itā€™s no big deal really ā€“ not like the LAS subreddit is huge or anything. Definitely rather amusing how often itā€™s happened though. And bow howdy do they throw a hissy fit if you mention it (or even just type my name).

Maybe if someone makes a post without my name on it it might sneak through the anti-Bryan moderators?

Definitely a solid idea! Iā€™d toss a few buckazoids into a Bad Voltage ad fund to kick start thatā€¦

I tried.

@sil @bryanlunduke theyā€™ll make a film about this one day.

I find this really sad and pathetic. Especially after the plug you gave after you left the show, 9 Linux podcasts you should follow | Network World and how on your blog when you left, you did not mention anything negative, but rather gave the impression that you and Chris were still friends. And then posting the nerf attack on the LAS crew at LNW on youtube. Oh well. People are people.

Hey, thatā€™s better results than others have gotten in the past! Normally anything having to do with me just gets removed entirely. Iā€™d jump in, but they explicitly ban me from posting thereā€¦ (they prefer to be able to attack folks who canā€™t respond, methinks).

You know, the fact that those guys have a bit of a stick up their butts about me is really quite okay. Theyā€™re allowed to have stick-filled butts. Itā€™s their right. I wish it werenā€™t the caseā€¦ but they seem to have this strange perception of me (fuelled, in large part, by made up events ā€“ and spread by one or two people). I think the folks at JB now just needed a villainā€¦ and I was the easiest target. But, honestlyā€¦ itā€™s really okay. I donā€™t think (at this point) that itā€™s worth getting into a discussion with them about it. I meanā€¦ youā€™re more than welcome to talk to them about itā€¦ but I really donā€™t expect it to go well. :smile:

Right? Everyone has their bad moments. Heaven knows Iā€™ve had mine! :smile:

Maybe, some day down the road, Chris and the JB crew will shake off their shackles of hatred and we can all go out for burgers.

Side note: ā€œShackles of hatredā€ is an awesome phrase. Iā€™m going to pledge to use it at least one more time today.

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Well, thus far the LAS reddit seems happy to discuss BV, and Chris at LAS invited me into their Mumble channel to talk about the show and things, so perhaps thereā€™s not as much bad blood as one might have thought. Olive branches are extended, etc ā€“ one big happy community, hooray.