Category Topics

Show Feedback

If you want to share your feedback and thoughts on a topic discussed on Bad Voltage, share them with this category. Please be sure to specify which show and segment you are providing feedback on.

General Chit Chat

Use this category for general discussion that is unrelated to a specific Bad Voltage episode. All topics are welcome!

Bad Voltage Website Suggestions

Have a suggestion for the Bad Voltage website (including community)? Suggest it here!

The Listener Inquisition

This category is used for Q+A threads for Bad Voltage guests. Only admins should use this category.

Tips n' Tricks

This category is perfect for tips, tricks, useful resources, and other things you want to share with the community!

Community Reviews

With @joe sharing his awesome Firefox OS review, I think it could be great for our community to share reviews of things they have bought, tried, and tested. As such, I have created a Community Reviews category. Let the reviews flow!