(Unoffical) Bad Voltage Community TF2 Server

hmm, looks like I’ll have to throw some grenades straight up in the air to get some kills :smiley:
(assumed friendly fire is enabled)

I honestly barely looked at Doodle as I was messing around with it fairly late (I think). I was under the impression that others would be able to suggest other times and be able to vote on it. Hmm. I might have to find another service.

No friendly fire in TF2. :stuck_out_tongue: It tries it’s best to prevent assholery. However, it’s a common practice to smack your allies with a pan just for the sheer joy (noise) of it.

I’ve created a post for the event with more details and a poll for setting up a time. Please vote!

Not sure why that link was broken, anyways, it’s fixed now.

is this you guys?

Yes. I am Wiglaf (Friends and I were playing Dota matches as Beowulf characters) but I’ll probably be changing my name back to MetaNova shortly. If you plan on being part of the event, please join the steam group.

Just a quick reminder, the first gaming event for today is happening in two hours!

Just got back from the big city >.<

Another game to add when there is two of us with nothing to do: Counter Strike - Global Offensive is now in Beta for Linux.