Goat Simulator released a few days ago

@bryanlunduke will probably enjoy this one:


Disclaimer: I am not associated with goat simulator in any way.

Yes. He most definitely will.

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I love that this sentance is a real thing in today’s day and age. :slight_smile:


Now it’s available on Android.

Take that, atheists!

For some reason that reminds me of an episode of Barney Miller where a man was brought in the precinct office who was holding a public prayer because he was saying that the world was going to end at 4:30 that afternoon. His group prayer was causing a disturbance. So, they release him later that afternoon and it was after 5:00. They mentioned to him that the world was still there. And he turns to them and says “And they say there is no power in prayer!”


Just so @bryanlunduke will know, there’s an update!

Take that, atheists!

Related: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/01/12/map-literally-every-goat-in-the-united-states/?tid=pm_business_pop

More excitement for @bryanlunduke. Zombie goats!