USA: Existential Crisis?

What makes you think @sil or any other Bad Voltage regular is in their right mind? I know I’m not which may explain why I feel so at home on this site and with the podcast. I don’t want to massage @jonobacon 's and the other presenters egos too much but it has to be the best podcast on the internet.

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Trump is going to create the Environmental Protection Agency, sign the Clean Air Act into law, enforce the desegregation of schools, significantly reduce healthcare costs, end USA’s involvement in the Vietnam war, and establish diplomatic channels with China?

I concur. Y’all are bonkers.

See? Bonkers. :slight_smile:

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He obviously was not including Linux and Whatnot! :smile:

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Apologies to all.@FreeDoum and @MehMcMurdoch got me thinking of one of my sayings, that is “challenge your beliefs.” So, as regards what I have said about NOAA changing data, I thought, “is that correct?” So, I did manage to find the news item on NPR that I listened to.

NOAA did alter data. But, I really cannot fault them for doing so. Not sure I agree with it, but it is not out of the realm of reasonableness, in my opinion.

So, I owe an apology to NOAA for my imputing wrong motives and thank @FreeDoum and @MehMcMurdoch for helping me be true to myself.

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It’s my understanding that the police and protest groups believe “anarchists” and “unaffiliated demonstrators” infiltrated the protests with the express intent to destroy property.

Clinton supporters are repeatedly being told to “get over it”. Just as the alt-right neo-Nazis / white supremacists seem to feel emboldened to continue attacking Clinton supporters because they are expressing their sadness and upset, don’t you think the constant screams of #TrumpWon #GetOverIt #MAGA are emboldening people to protest against that too? Whatever happened to “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”?

This is also a good comic: