Closed Poll: Reverso Debate, Jono vs Jeremy: Figureheads

While I concede that I have a bit of a soft spot for this guy

I have to say that Jeremy is definitely rising above in terms of both votes and moral ground. In fact, Jezza’s on some sort of moral Everest by comparison :smile:

For myself, I have done that :smile:

+1 for ‘semi british’… lmfao he completely does have a ‘semi’ british accent. Sorry… “he like, kinda does…”

@bkerensa that was correct up to about a month ago. @jonobacon got a new job at Xprize.

Though I believe he is still an official Ubuntu fanboy.

I’m astonished to find out that this is actually true…


What is the topic for the next debate? Would it be: Should @bryanlunduke win all the contests?


36 - 45. Jeremy in the lead.

The gap is closing fast! Only 9 votes separate the two opponents!

You are assuming that we have a choice in the matter… for Lunduke is THE CHOSEN ONE.

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Bangarang, my good man. Bangarang.

I think that Jono’s play with charity was low, and Jeremy’s response strategy was good. But Jono’s second attempt, raising the bets and promising pour a bucket of filth over himself, is tempting, but also low. We’re talking about debate. And this debate was leas polarized than the previous. I’m not sure if Jeremy’s position was opposite to the one he defended, but I liked his arguments.

Besides, if @jeremy wins, we could see a match between @bryanlunduke and his Google+ followers, vs. @jeremy and the dormant Behemoth of Linux Questions. The number of members of the community would increase. Thus, I vote Jeremy.

Edit: no intention of being harsh against @jonobacon with my comments. This is war, and everything is valid

I don’t see it as low, I see it as entertainment. This is an entertainment podcast, so each of us strives to make an entertaining show…my goal was to screw with the formula to make it more entertaining. :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t say worse, but there seemed to be a lack of enthusiasm. That might have been triggered by Jono saying at the start ‘I hate this’, and I was thinking (and I could be very wrong) he was referring to having to take a position that went against his beliefs. That would be so hard to do, to argue against your own core. I think they all deserve kudos for the effort they did.

Agreed. Low was a harsh word. I was trying to be funny. I didn’t succeed

It truly would be a battle for the ages!

@jeremy should call for reinforcements… LQ… RISE!


I voted for @jonobacon because of this poster. You’re an artist @bryanlunduke!

I for one find posters quite menacing.

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57 for Jeremy, 56 for Bacon.

That means my vote could really change everything… @jonobacon, pink tutu or not?

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Jono, because I’m late to the party and wanted to make it a closer match.

If you haven’t voted in the “Which Charity Should Jeremy Give $100 to?” poll yet, please do so ASAP. I plan to close the poll and make the donation before we record the next episode. Thanks.



Jono, you sold it to me.

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