Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and special guest presenter Alan Pope from the Ubuntu podcast and Canonical and Ubuntu (standing in for Jeremy while he tours Europe) present Bad Voltage, in which popey has a hundred job titles, we race to put out the show before the Ubuntu Podcast people do, and:
- [00:02:20] In the news: Sony Japan announces a next generation "Aibo" personal canine robot, causing extreme Jono mockery for buying an early protoaibo years ago... everyone hates Perl, Delphi, and VBA, in more shocking reveals from Stack Overflow... Google Drive is locking some docs from sharing because they are "violations of the terms of service"... Github publish State of the Octoverse 2017, where there are 25 million active repositories, all of which are new JavaScript web frameworks... bloke says that nobody uses libraries and librarians are "sad people who can't get proper work", gets 110,000 replies vehemently disagreeing: watch out for librarians, they're tough... Man takes daughter to his work at Apple, lets daughter film new unreleased iPhone X and publish the video, gets fired, not all that surprisingly
- [00:42:35] Ubuntu release the new 17.10 release, and we talk to Alan about it . This leads into discussions of being data-driven when planning, what the deal with snaps are, and upstream relationships
- And news on recent conferences: Jono at Open Source Summit Europe, Alan at Freenode #live, and Stuart at Hackference
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