My smugness may hold no boundaries

…if indeed my much mocked Facebook prediction comes true. Signs are looking good:

As I’m catching up with the back catalogue, it’s interesting how many predictions were roundly lambasted but are now true a few years later. Maybe you could do a bit of a roundup on how th historic predictions have gone?

Oooh, I love this idea. :slight_smile:

That looks less advanced than the virtual world I was working in over 9 years ago.

I made my first money as a developer working in Second Life. An interesting place, much like the internet, falling into some rather questionable lands with very little effort.

I did get $50 dollars for making an interactive quiz for someone. Was a very nice programming experience, in that it was very visible, and came with lots of cool event hooks on which you could trigger.

50 bucks, nice :slight_smile:

I still get a L$300/wk stipend into my ex-staff complimentary account, which I think works out at about $60/yr! Pays for my in-world helicopter obsession at any rate.

Also how does this world work for people that like a third person view. How would you change clothes on an avatar if you have to find a mirror instead of being able to set privacy on an area and change on your roof so you get lots of different viewing angles.