In which episode does Stuart say "America has only made two contributions to society, turning right on a red, and ..."

I listen to Bad Voltage episodes over and over in no particular order, and I have this quote by Stuart in my head.

America has only made two conrtibutions to society: Turning right on a red, and ???

(I forget the second part D:)

I don’t have ~70 spare hours on my hands to listen to all the episodes over again and I’d like to cite the exact timestamp of the episode.

Someone here knows off the top of their head, surely! :smiley: Thanks in advance.

The second part is normally “IHOP”, but it changes from time to time depending on what I’ve done in the US recently. The first one is always turning right on a red, which is actually a good idea :slight_smile:

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Although in this country, it would be turning left on a red, which unfortunately loses the alliteration.


I can only narrow it down a bit for you, but I believe it’s a very recent one - I listen to them in order. Possibly no. 70, but surely no earlier than 69.

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